This is one of those ‘in hindsight’ posts, or as the cliche goes, "if I knew then what I knew now, then I would do things differently". Over the past seven years of playing around with MPE in my own practice, and more recently listening to others share their approach through the Meaningful Podcast Experience, there are many things I wish I had done differently. This post is meant to outline a process that if I was introducing students to Meaningful Physical Education for the first time, I wish I would have used (and will use in the future), and while you could use it as well, it doesn’t mean that is the 'only' or 'best' process. There is no timeline for how long this process would take, but over a course of several weeks or months feels better to me than a matter of days. 1. Develop a Shared Language of Meaningfulness Three Questions
3. Reflect on Features using Equalizer
5. Introduce Joy If I could make one amendment to Fletcher’s clock mechanism, I would suggest that the gears are not a part of a clock but rather of a vault door. A door to what? To what Kretchmar often refers to as “the kingdom” or a "playground", a metaphorical place of joy, meaningfulness and desire for continued engagement. In the quote below, Kretchmar outlines a process of how a participant comes to enter the kingdom / playground.
While others might see joy differently, I believe that through attunement of the other features, that we can help students recognize joy when it presents itself and enter various 'playgrounds' (which doesn’t mean to suggest it can be done on a whim). In terms of defining joy with my students, I like Arnett's (2023) definition of joy as a product of elation and relation. "An intense and temporary heightened positive emotion (elation) as a consequence of a just right fit between our identity and the moment we are experiencing (relation)" " Arnett outlines how joy can sometimes be conflated with happiness. In which case (considering I teach Middle School students), I would probably use a meme to help them understand the difference. If you're looking for specific tools and strategies, this Google doc contains an on-going list of strategies from other educators interested in the ideas of Meaningful Physical Education. References
Arnett, J. J. (2022). Joy: An integrative theory. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 18(1), 1–14. Kretchmar, R. S. (2005). Practical philosophy of sport and physical activity (2nd ed.). Human Kinetics.
A challenge in advocating for a connection to nature (C2N) as a feature of meaningful experiences is that there seems to be little congruence on what a connection to nature actually is. As Branham (2024) outlines, some position C2N as a cognitive connection, where others argue C2N is a connection of affect, and still others who view C2N as an emotional connection of love and caring, similar to the connection between humans. My personal stance aligns with the statement from Cleary et al. (2020) that C2N is a holistic (affective, emotional, cognitive) and subjective feeling of closeness or oneness with the natural word. There is seemingly endless research related to the holistic benefits of such a connection including those of hedonic and eudaemonic well-being. This aligns with Arnold (1979) who found unity with self/nature as a source of existential meaning - the meanings that stand out to us, and become part of who we are. In his book, Meaning in Movement, Sport & Physical Education, Arnold selects quotes that articulates this sense of “oneness” or “unity”: “....every time I fall at skiing, or every time I poke cautiously down a hill I feel an urge to get back up and do something that will make the hill work for me, with me, bring to about the ecstasy of oneness with nature…the mogul, the slope, the snow, the skis, the body and the awareness of my body in motion. When such a state of being is achieved, I feel like yipping and yelling down the entire slope” A second example comes from O'Connor (2019) who used the text below as an example of rich narrative, to guide students in crafting their own narratives. You'll notice the 'unification' of both rider and the wave. I see a wave build on the horizon tracing a seamless path in my direction. This is the one. This is my wave. I position myself in its path, my arms respond to movement of water, body and board, muscles instinctively pull on bone as my hands blend with water. Energy rises from beneath me carrying me forward, I have joined this surging force. I peer down the crest as the sensation of speed fills my body. I spring to my feet, intimately reacting to nature’s evolving shape, I take a moment to feel its form, to get to know this totally new but very familiar wave. Now I lead in this dance. Leaning into the wave, board, body and water communicate. I glide up and down, sparkles of sunlight reflecting off the shimmering surface. Time slows, and for a moment I am this wave… Additional complications regarding C2N is understanding how that connection can be built. As Dale Roth & Court Rustemeyer outline in this episode of the Meaningful Podcast Experience, there are perhaps a million ways to do so. With that being said, in the literature there are several themes that emerge regarding how this connection can be fostered. Attention The natural world and the role that it may play in education, is perhaps sometimes left as an afterthought or just not seen as worthy as other objectives. For example, during XC Running, teachers may priortize running for health-oriented purposes or perhaps to consider ‘grit’ and ‘resilience’, but may not encourage students to pause to notice the nature around them, the changing of the leaves, or the wildlife that may pass. But perhaps by paying attention to nature, as well as our bodies and emotions in/with nature, we can foster a deeper connection to it. Branham (2024), describes how an awareness of our bodies can act as a ‘vehicle of connection and communication with nature’. In addition, noticing and attending to our emotions were determined to be highly predictive of C2N connection. Authors describe attention as a spiritual act, slow yet powerful, and a way to be come fascinated with the natural world. Alaimo et al. (2020) describe fascination as a form of attention that requires little effort to sustain that arises from pleasant and subtly stimulating natural environments. How do we or how could we guide students in attending to nature/body/emotion during Physical Education? While I generally agree with the idea that meaningfulness is revealed reflectively, I wonder whether through carefully tuned attention, can a meaningful experience surrounding C2N also occur in the moment? Perhaps this is a future pedagogical consideration regarding meaningfulness. Approaches such as the Walking Curriculum and nature-based solitude may be useful in this regard. Several studies have explored the experiences of individuals engaged in nature-based solitude (Kalish et al., 2011; Long & Averill, 2013). Slow and attentive, participants have identified how being alone in nature brings about peace and a feeling of connectedness to place as they attend to the world around them. Is there a place for nature-based solitude in Physical Education? Quality & Quantity Quality experiences in nature are ones that are immersive and intentionally prioritize C2N. Teachers and other adults have a significant influence on a child's education and ways they see and think about the world. Teachers can direct students attention to elements in nature are important, or unconsciously (through a lack of attention) suggest that aspects of nature are irrelevant to their lives. There is an understandable difference between learning about nature in a classroom, and immersing students in nature in ways that engage their bodily senses. Barrable et al (2023) found that the simple act of picking flowers was influential in children developing a C2N later in life. The aspect of quantity, is perhaps best summarized by Richardson et al. (2021) paper aptly titled Moments, Not Minutes. The authors argue that time outdoors is not enough, what matters more is whether that time is spent developing a close relationship with nature (rather than simply leaving it to chance). As an example of quantity & quality, Beery et al. (2020) describe experiences where students repeatedly returned to the same forest anthill through the course of the year to consider how the environment and the lives of the ants change over time. Throughout the process, participants began to notice that students referred to the forest as "my forest", as a place of belonging, rather than "the forest" (something external to them). Approaches such as these may be useful in reversing the disturbing trends of urbanization of children whose first encounter with insects may be indoors rather than outdoors, and with limited knowledge of them, begin to view aspects of nature with disgust (Barrable et. al, 2023). A second example maybe more familiar to adults would be gardening, as gardening involves deliberatre & sustained engagement with "authentic" forms of nature; dirt, bugs, soil, plants etc. that occurs over time. Alaimo et al. (2022), concluded that C2N was successfully achieved through engaging in gardening. While many might scoff at the idea of gardening's inclusion in a PE curriculum, it is something that Dr. Aaron Beighle has advocated for us innovative PE practice, which he discusses here on an Episode of Run Your Life podcast w/ Andy Vasily. Reflection While attention can perhaps facilitate a meaningful connection in-the-moment, reflection remains a key pedagogical approach to students uncovering meaningfulness in their experiences. In the introduction, the example the surfer arises from O'Connor's (2019) case study which was used as guide for students to craft their own rich narrative to highlight the "rush to movement" and engagement of bodily senses is one way that teachers might attempt to foster a C2N. O'Connor's example wasn't explicitly connected to C2N but open a variety of movement possibilities such as attending / dancing at concert.
The mountains were stunning, with freshly fallen snow sparking on their peaks. I will never forget the amazement I experienced when were were skiing in the mountains....I loved it because it made me feel like I was I was in some other world, this beautiful place helps me connect with nature and peers. An Indigenous Worldview... While a unity with nature may be difficult for researchers in the Western world to define, it is perhaps easily understood through an Indigenous worldview. Indigenous populations have long held a deep connection to the natural world, where the earth is viewed as equal (Sierra, 2020). In writing this blog, I went back and forth as to weather or not "connection to nature" was the most appropriate terminology. Does an effort to "connect" students to nature imply that we are disconnected and different from the natural world to begin with (Beery et al., 2020). I wonder if the term "Environmental kinship" which seems to appear in more recent literature is more appropriate. Despite best intentions, King et al. (2020) describe how our current environmental education practices focused on stewardship are often “shaped by human-centric views of human-nature dualism” (p. 2). Despite the best intentions, these pedagogies of stewardship reaffirm our dominance over, and distinction from, nature as opposed to a kinship with nature. Perhaps it's hard to feel united with something you don’t have reverence for. To what extent does developing environmental kinship require us to reconsider our human superiority and reposition our relationship with the natural world? References Alaimo, K., Coringrato, E., Lacy, K., Hébert, J. R., & Beavers, A. W. (2024). Caretaking, accomplishment and connection to nature: The “gardening triad” and its role in new community gardeners’ engagement, and social and emotional well‐being. People & Nature,6(5),2014–2028.\ Barrable, A., Friedman, S., & Beloyianni, V. (2024). Nature connection in adulthood: The role of childhood nature experiences. People & Nature, 6(4), 1571–1580. Beery, T., Chawla, L., & Levin, P. (2020). Being and Becoming in Nature: Defining and Measuring Connection to Nature in Young Children. International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 7(3), 3–22. Branham, L. (2024). Embodied earth kinship: interoceptive awareness and relational attachment personal factors predict nature connectedness in a structural model of nature connection. Frontiers in Psychology, 15. King, H., Beazley, H., Barclay, L., & Miller, A. (2024). Re-imagining child-nature relationships in ecotourism: children’s conservation awareness through nature play and nature-based learning. Children’s Geographies. O’Connor, J. (2019). Exploring a Pedagogy for Meaning-Making in Physical Education. European Physical Education Review, 25(4), 1093–1109. Richardson, M., Passmore, H-A., Lumber, R., Thomas, R., & Hunt, A. (2021). Moments, not minutes: The nature-wellbeing relationship. International Journal of Wellbeing, 11(1), 8-33. Sierra, P. (2020). Connection to mother earth: For this young Indigenous woman, passion for environmental justice is rooted in the land. National Catholic Reporter, 57(5), 4a. In discussing the Meaningful Physical Education framework with colleagues, or in my own experiences with implementation I find the features of MPE (challenge, social interaction, fun…etc.) resonate with many. Further discussions related to the pedagogical principles as outlined by Fletcher & Ní Chróinín (2022) that prioritize such experiences; language, community orientation, democratic practice are often met with support. However, the principle that can sometimes give pause (including myself) is the idea of reflective practice. Not so much as whether reflection is beneficial, but whether it is worthwhile when conceivably anytime taken to spend reflecting is time away from physical activity, which may be a tough sell, especially in school contexts where time students may spend in physical education is severely limited. Over the past several years, I’ve wrestled with several questions related to reflection…
ACCURACY, COMMUNICATION & PURPOSE In his book Meaning in Movement, Sport & Physical Education, Arnold (1979), describes experience as a continuous flowing stream, from one moment to the next, days or lessons may seem to blend together to the extent they may become indistinguishable from one another. It is only when we pause, and turn back against the stream, to notice the qualities an experience may have or consider the personal value it might hold, that an experience can become meaningful. Arnold states that it is therefore incorrect to claim an experience is meaningful as it is occurring, an experience can only become meaningful once grasped reflectively. You could argue that humans are a reflective and meaning-seeking species by nature, but I would contend that is unlikely students are reflective on the features of an activity they find meaningful (I didn't think about it until I was 30). In addition, if a goal of physical education is to promote lifelong pursuit of physical activity outside of the school gate, and we believe that a meaningful PE experience will help achieve that, and reflection is identified as an essential component of an experience becoming meaningful... should the reflective component of PE classes really be an afterthought or something left to chance? While reflection is an important tool in the facilitation meaningful experiences, to what extent does the reflection need to be communicated? As the teacher, do I need to know the content of my students reflections? How reliable or accurate are those reflections? In her book, Movement & Meaning, Metheny (1968) outlines concerns about whether or not we should ask students to describe what is is they find meaningful in their participation, as the meaningfulness was found in a nonverbal form (in movement). I don’t believe this is meant to be taken literally, and should not suggest that we should never ask students to reflect, but rather we can understand that there is a gap between what an individual might know as meaningful (because it is felt) and the extent to which they are able to express it in verbal or written forms. Certainly, the MPE framework helps narrow that gap, by providing teachers and students with the language to guide reflection, but likely a gap still remains, as students (especially younger ones or second-language leaners) are able to perceive and feel more than they can explicitly communicate (Arnold, 1979). However, an inability to communicate or express themselves fully does not make an experience any less meaningful. To “make-meaning” is one of the key purposes of reflective practice, and if that is the sole purpose then perhaps, I (teacher) don’t really need to always know the content of the reflections. In his blog Andy Milne (@carmelhealth) provides an excellent resource of a back pocket question guide, which he describes several possible uses for students including students discussing questions on a walk n’ talk, an excellent way for students to connect with their peers around the shared language of MPE while simultaneously making sense of their experiences, albeit without the teacher knowing the details of every conversation. Of course, there is also added value in the teacher being aware of how students are experiencing their classes. Student reflections can not only make-meaning of past experiences but also help direct future experiences. For example, in a unit of volleyball, I could ask students to think about a goal they wanted to achieve, perhaps a skill they wanted to improve on, and I could encourage them reflect at the end of the lesson or unit whether or not they’ve make progress towards that goal - with all those reflections being unbeknownst to the teacher. Presuming that students do what is asked of them, and I lucked out by structuring the class in a way that allowed them to pursue their goal, then yes, perhaps their evaluation of their experience will be seen meaningful. However, the time taken to simply jot down those same goals on a sticky note, allows the teacher to begin to design the educational experience around those students specific goals. Taking time to have students use red, yellow, green stickers to signify ‘not yet, getting there, got it’ (or similar), helps the teacher understand where students are in their learning and co-create the next steps. FREQUENCY & DEPTH / RECENCY If an experience only becomes meaningful when attended to by an act of reflection (Arnold, 1979), then how often do we need to attend to it? When is the best time to reflect? How far do I need to look back? If you’re hoping for a conclusive answer you won’t find one here.
Before or After a Lesson Perhaps the most common times for reflection is at the end of the lesson, the use of exit slips has become widespread in many areas of education. Rhys Meredith (@RhysMeredith23) highlights a simple and effective way which both engages students in reflection in relation to fun, as well as collects valuable information on what students would like to get better at, thus helping Rhys direct future experiences alongside his students. Beginning or End of a Unit Prior the unit, it is worthwhile to have students look back and consider what they already know about heading into a unit, and what they might like to get from it. At the end of the unit there are a number of ways to help students make-meaning from a period of learning. Some of my favourite sentence stems come from Mel Hamada's blog on an Individual Pursuits Unit, including:
Beginning & End of a Semester or School Year In her Chapter within Back to School: Teachers Professional Learning in a Health & Physical Education MEd Cohort, Riley Derksen, describes that despite the desire to lock in a yearly plan, she often begins the year with a survey to find out what students enjoy about PE and what they hope to achieve or experience during the school year. By retaining some flexibility in her planning, she is able to better meet her students needs. While this is asking students to think about the future, and not a look back, it is reflective in nature as students hopes for the future are influenced by their experiences of the past. While the end of the school year is always jam packed with celebrations and planning for the future. It is also an opportune time for students to consider their growth throughout the year and perhaps highlight moments that really stand out in their PE experience. Joey Feith's (@phys_educator) idea of "Story worthy Moments" is one example of way students could be encouraged to reflect on the most meaningful moments of the year.
Past "Peak" Experiences The experiences that students carry with them are, as Nilges (2004) describes, like lint on a sweater, always operating in the background and influencing the way students perceive present experiences. Unpacking these 'peak' experiences from years past, which Arnold (1979) describes as those being intensely felt, standing out like mountain tops in the landscape of past experiences, often being recalled with little difficulty. Reflecting on these experiences is a great way to not only get to know students, and what they find meaningful but also unpack "deeper" features of meaningfulness such as joy, delight, belonging etc. As an example, our Elementary PE team often begins the school with year with students bringing in a photo of such an experience, and code it using stickers to represent the most prominent features. CONCLUSIONS I assume (with no evidence to support the claim :)) that reflection at consistent intervals, of various depths, with various forms of expression, is the best bet to try and facilitate meaningful experiences students. However, I was still bothered by one last question of, do my students find the time we spend reflecting on our experiences to be valuable? Or would it be better spent being physically active? So I asked! Overwhelmingly, students expressed that the time we spent on reflection was beneficial for them, noting:
An unexpected theme from the interviews with students was that the public reflection (i.e. discussion, magnets, walk n' talk) helps students consider why their friends find something to be meaningful. They are a socially motivated group, and knowing what their friends either wanted from an experience or already found meaningful helped them view it from a new perspective. If you're interested in more examples of how to build reflective practice into your teaching, check out this link. References Arnold, P. J. (1979). Meaning in movement, sport and physical education. Heinemann. Fletcher, T., & Ní Chróinín, D. (2022). Pedagogical Principles That Support the Prioritisation of Meaningful Experiences in Physical Education: Conceptual and Practical Considerations. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 27(5), 455–466. Metheny, E. (1968). Movement and meaning. McGraw-Hill. Nilges, L. M. (2004). Ice Can Look like Glass: A Phenomenological Investigation of Movement Meaning in One Fifth-Grade Class during a Creative Dance Unit. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 75(3), 298–314. One of the often stated goals of physical education is to promote engagement in physical activity outside of the school gate. However, when I ask my own students what opportunities exist for them to be active in their communities, they are quick to point out the spaces where the activities are pre-defined (i.e. basketball, tennis court, golf course etc.) and while they are also able to identify trails and parks nearby, they had a harder time thinking more abstract about the movement possibilities that could be found in these open, undefined spaces. As we sought to address this, the challenge was that our school is a rural campus, which draws students from all over the surrounding area - some students live in rural farm communities while others live in the suburbs or city. To explore how students could be active in their community, would mean identifying activities that were transferable to many communities. The activities we chose for the unit were trail biking, soccer, softball. While soccer and softball can often use specialized facilities, they are also games that can be organized in open spaces with minimal equipment, with substitutes for bases or markers for goals. The towns and cities our school draws from, have strong trail and pathway systems which students could access via bikes. For one class, park games (target/law games, and slackline) were chosen instead of soccer. Lesson Progression For 3-4 lessons, student sampled each activity. The biking progression we used started on pavement and flat trails before moving to more difficult trails, and finally student-directed biking challenges. At the end each 'activity sample' students reflected on the features of each activity that resonated with them most. As 'fun' seemed to be the dominating feature, we spent some more time unpacking exactly what about each activity was fun (through which the other features became more prevalent). In interviews, students mentioned how the sense of freedom and adventure were what made biking fun, while previous positive experiences, confidence and social dynamics were motivators for fun experiences in softball and soccer. After the periods of sampling were complete, it came time for student's to make choices of which activity they chose to engage in. The below photo shows the choice board. At the beginning of class, students would move their magnet to indicate their choice but also consider why they were making that choice. Logistically, on some days we would only offer 2 of 3 choices so we could manage supervision. This process continued for an additional 3-4 lessons. Heading Out into the Community We ended the unit by actually heading out into a nearby local community where these activities could take place (and nearby where some of our students live). The local park recently built a pump track (left), which seemed to be the popular choice for many, while others preferred to head out on the pathways or find some dirt jumps. Of course, there were a number of students who were quick to organize softball and soccer games as well. Student Interviews As part of an on-going project to better understand how implementing the meaningful PE framework is impacting our students, we interview a group of 15-20 students at various points throughout the year. At the end of this unit, one pointed question we asked was "through this unit, explain how your understanding of how to be active in your community improved, or stayed the same?". About 60% of the students noted their understanding of how to be active in the community improved, noteable responses include:
Quantitatively, we have been surveying this entire grade anonymously for the past 2 years using questions related to the features of MPE, and a likert scale. After stagnation in questions related to 'seeing the connections between PE and life outside of school' we have seen a notable uptick in students 'agreeing' or 'strongly agreeing' that they now see these connections. While I think this unit certainly speaks to the importance of democratic and reflective practice when applying the meaningful PE framework, I believe it also speaks to the importance of being intentional with our learning design. A "Field Games" unit, might very well imply opportunities to engage in these activities in the community. However, if the one of the goals of PE is to inspire participation outside of school, then this shouldn't be something left to chance. There is no doubt that Physical Education has many aims and employs a variety of different practices in order to achieve those aims. Regardless of the the approach, I believe PE still has 3 broad outcomes (pictured below) of which the greatest outcome is a participant becoming motivated to pursue physical activity in their own lives across the lifespan. I think that many teachers probably believe in some iteration of this, but often teachers (myself included) can also forget that the opposite can also occur. We want to believe that PE is good for all students and lean on the health benefits or more recently the enhancement of academic performance to advocate for its importance. While there is certainly merit to those arguments, we often conveniently ignore PE's potential to cause harm. Earlier in my career, I've been guilty of stating "they will eventually find an activity they enjoy" (as part of a multi-activity approach) or nodded in agreement when someone states that PE is just "not student X's thing". If you would like read more about do no harm mindests check out Alex Beckey's (@ImSporticus) blog here To understand more about how students experience our PE classes, last year, we collected survey data from our MS students that asked them questions related to their experiences in PE the past semester. Many of the questions were connected specifically to the features of the meaningful physical education (MPE) framework. You can read more about how this data provided evidence for a meaningful PE approach here. Two of the questions asked students to describe a positive and negative experience in PE during the past semester, with a final question asking students to generally summarize their PE experience as being generally; very positive, somewhat positive, neutral, somewhat negative or very negative. As you can see above, the sources of the negative experiences (based on the frequency of mention) amongst our Junior High / Middle school students seemed to arise primarily from Cross Country running and Gymnastics units. Our revised approach to a Trail Running / Challenge unit (né Cross Country) can be found here. It has since come time for us to revisit our Gymnastics unit to see if we can facilitate a more positive student experience. In the survey, students indicated that a lack of relevance and having to display their performance in front of others were the most common reasons for a negative experience. It is important to note that our curriculum (MYP) requires students to complete a movement composition piece each year, so avoidance is not an option! We begun by asking the question of "why", why do we want students to participate in gymnastics? Not surprisingly, it was not because of our own aspirations to have an Olympic gymnast represent our school. Rather, gymnastics is seen as an opportunity to demonstrate creativity and improve our general movement capabilities. If that is the 'why', then certainly there are more activities that meet that criteria that just gymnastics. With that in mind, we wanted to focus on three different activities, to explore how performers can apply relationship concepts (matching/contrasting, with obstacles, with implements) to create an aesthetic performance. The purpose of exploring a concept, is that it lends itself to multiple forms of expression. Students would sample each activity before making a choice of which they would use to create an aesthetic performance.
During that period of sampling, I was particularly interested in students perceptions related to dance. In our Semester 2 data collection, students also had fairly negative perceptions towards dance (as I write that sentence, it occurs to me that combining students two least favourite units into one might not result in the desired outcome....). After an introductory lesson on dancing, each student was given an equalizer reflection (credit: @ImSporticus). After explaining how the equalizer works, I asked students to fill it out for their favourite activity, rating it on each feature of MPE. After that, I asked students to repear that process and fill it out for dance in a different colour. If the favourite activity and dance were the same (I had a hunch it would not be), then they would just make a note. Some examples below: Not surprisingly, no students indicated that dance was there favourite activty to do, with the exceptions of one student who preferred a different style of dance. As a follow up question, students compared the two activities and were asked "Which feature has the biggest gap between your favourite activity and dance?" Interestingly
The strategies that the class came up with were very different. Class A ended up deciding that they wanted to build confidence and continue to practice 'Cadillac Ranch', but were going to approach it with a different mindset and focus on connecting with friends rather than worrying about how they might look. Class B tried to enhance fun by creating dances that represented their favourite activity. Some students performed dances with hockey sticks, where they incorporated 'the Michigan', while others focused on creating a line dance to a Taylor Swift song. Culminating Activity After exploring additional activities (free-running & x-disc), students made a selection of which one they would like to emphasize in creating an aesthetic routine in which application of relationship concepts, complexity and flow were the common criteria. Below are a couple videos of students practicing some of the activities. Rather than insisting on a live student performance, students had the option to perform or submit a video. As we had several options, with students rehearsing different skills, students never seemed to notice whether anyone was watching or not.
2023 Questionnaire At the conclusion of the unit, we repeated the same questionnaire we repeated the previous year. While all the data will be analyzed at another point in time, the first question I looked at was students general perceptions of PE this semester (with a revised approach to both Cross Country Running and Gymnastics). In the graphs below we see a significant reduction in the reporting of negative PE experiences of last years Grade 8 students from semester 1, 2022 (left) to the current years Grade 8 students in semester 1, 2023 (right). Whereas the graph above shows the differences between students in the same grade level in two different school years - the graph below shows the self-reported experiences of the same group students, when they were in Grade 7 the previous year ('same', is used loosely as there is changing enrolment). In Grade 7 students, also would have participated in running and gymnastics units. Again, with a greater emphasis on the MPE framwork, we observe a noticeable decline in the reporting of negative experiences Concluding Thoughts The goal of the MPE framework is to empower students to take responsibility for engaging in physical activity outside of the school gates. With that in mind, has this revised approach to a movement composition achieved that aim? Well, I did not receive any Christmas cards from the local parkour, gymnastics or dance studios - so perhaps not! In terms of the data, the amount of students reporting an at least somewhat positive PE experience has remained consistent when comparing Grade 7 to Grade 8 data of the 'same' group of students. However, as Alex Beckey cites in his blog post (linked in the opening paragraph), a negative experience may be more powerful than a good one (Baumeister et al, 2001). While this approach (alongside others applied this semester) may not have led student to the 'peak' of physical education, at the very least, it has perhaps prevented students from a detrimental experience that may otherwise dissuade them from participation. 'Raising the floor' of our physical education program, where a neutral (and perhaps one day, a 'somewhat positive') is the bare minimum of student experiences, seems like a worthwhile endeavour, and the MPE framework has certainly been useful in that regard. References Baumeister, R. F., Bratslavsky, E., Finkenauer, C., & Vohs, K. D. (2001). Bad is Stronger than Good. Review of General Psychology, 5(4), 323-370. At the Meaningful PE Symposium this past May, Dr. Justen O’Connor outlined a compelling contrast between formal and informal sport during one of the most thought provoking presentations in recent memory. In formal sport, decisions are largely made by governing bodies, who (using cross country running as an example) decide on how students should be grouped (by age and gender) and which distance they should run. Whereas in informal sport, decisions are largely made by participants who might decide which route they run, when they want to run, or consider which route will allow group participation. This is an oversimplification of Dr. O’Connor’s presentation, but wished to give credit where it is certainly due. The purpose of this blog is to summarise how our MS department has attempted to apply these ideas through the lens of MPE.
Our school has a rich tradition of formal running (i.e. Cross Country) and boasts a number of provincial championships. Traditionally, the Middle School (Grade 7-9) PE program has aimed to connect kids with these formal sport opportunities. In PE classes, students previously trained for an in-school meet where they would run the distance that was assigned to their age/gender by our governing body. The top students from that meet are invited to divisionals, to zones and so on. While formal sport is certainly meaningful to some students, over the past few years we’ve recognized that this is not necessarily inclusive or engaging of all students. Should a PE program be devoted to leading students towards formal sport participation that is unable to include all of them? In our Elementary School, attempts to reconcile this dilemna has led to the creation of a Who We Are Outdoors unit, as an attempt to help students find more meaning in the outdoors by exploring other activities besides running. We have been reluctant to take a similar approach with the Middle School, because we still see running as an activity that students can participate in across their lifespan. But, how can we do that in a way that is more meaningful to all students? Fortunately, one of many beautiful things about the MPE framework, is there is not only one way to apply it. We began by using the TARGET PE model as a way to reflect upon our previous approach to this unit. Not surprisingly, as we were heavily aligned with a formal sport offering, much of the unit design was ego-oriented. Task and authority were controlled tightly by the teacher (as influenced by the governing body), students had very little autonomy in the challenges they wished to pursue. Recognition was given to students based on rank, classes were grouped based on their formal sport designations (gender / age) and the timing of the unit was built around the formal sport calendar (i.e. ensuring our in school- -meet was done in time to get kids qualified for the divisional meet). Moving ForwardLooking to move forward, one of the first things we discussed as a group is “why”, why do we believe students should run? Not surprisingly, the answer really wasn’t about supporting formal sport or winning trophies - it was because we wanted students to challenge themselves. With that in mind, we wanted to be intentional about the unit, and specifically renamed it so - "challenge". In our initial lessons, we presented our learning goal (below). Students began by running a short route, and self-assessing themselves based on a rate of perceived exertion. We discussed with students ‘how they knew’, and encouraged them to listen to their bodies. From there, we co-created the success criteria with students, by asking them at which point they felt they began to step outside their comfort zone. They identified that at about a ‘7’, they started to get a bit uncomfortable so that’s what we went with.
At different intervals, we would ask students to identify what it is they were struggling with most in relation to trail running (below). As we had two classes and two teacher's at the same time, we offered different ‘workshops’ to support students' needs. For the main event, we transformed our traditional formal school meet, to appear more similar to a community running event. Students chose the distances they wished to run, and students were no longer grouped by grade or gender. We added in a relay option, where students would run 2km and then tag off with a friend. Rather than mass-starting runners where it becomes very evident who is last, we decided to wave or corral start. We removed placing / ranking as being a qualifier for our XC team so students could focus on their approach to challenge and not stress about how they might compare to others. Prior to the event, students set goals related to their participation, some just wanted to finish, some wanted to improve on a previous year's time, some wanted to have fun, and some wanted to finish near the top. As the event drew closer, student participation became more autonomous, as students worked towards their individual goals. Rather than waiting for a teacher to give them an ‘official time’ students would arrive, pick up a wrist stopwatch (if they wanted), report to a teacher and off they went on the route of their choice. WAS THIS APPROACH SUCCESSFUL? We considered this unit as an 'experimental' unit, and thus wanted to correlate the data from numerous sources to determine it's success. In addition to student performance and reflections discussed below, qualitative survey data and focus group data, has not yet been collected at this time but will be in the coming weeks. Student Performance: One area of concern within the department related to what impact would offering students choice have on their performance? In theory, they might very well enjoy the unit more than previous years, but if students just opt for the easiest challenge and don't actually demonstrate persistence themselves, is that defeating the purpose? So, after the event, I crunched the numbers from the 4 previous years of races, and looked at performance across similar grade levels as well as performance of the individual sudents across multiple (I will term the 3 previous years as formal sport years, and the version above as the MPE year).
Student Reflections: At the end of the unit, students completed a private reflection. I provided some sentence stems that I 'borrowed' from one of Mel Hamada's blogs (thanks, Mel!).
Some responses from my one of my classes below: I have changed my thinking about running because last year I just ran because I had to but now I actually enjoy running I was able to cut my time down by 5 minutes. Even though it may not seem like a major difference but to me that is a lot because in grade 7 I’m pretty sure my first ever time was 25-27 minutes and I’m very proud that I was able to start being quicker. I have changed my thinking about what a successful run is because at first I kept comparing my times to others to decide whether I was proud of myself or not and now I compare my times to my own times and I am just trying to achieve a personal best. I also improved on my persistence by a lot. I got better at not stopping to walk when I got a cramp and it improved my time a lot. I am proud of myself because I never thought I was a good runner or that I could run. Now I know that if I try my best and push myself every run I can get better. I have changed my thinking about my abilities, as now I have experienced Race Day, I know what I really am capable of, and know I can be so much more. When I think about this Unit and what I have learned, I feel that if you “feel” like you are outside of you comfort zone, you can push through so much more, and achieve the unthinkable. ...but what about the formal sport?Our approach is this unit was never anti-formal sport. Formal sport has a lot of meaning for some of our students, but wasn't engaging or inclusive of every kid. Our aim was to connect students with challenge, allow them to make some choices in their participation, celebrate the success of each individual and hope to foster a connection to running that students can take with them in the future. A purpose which we see as serving the needs of every student, regardless of whether they intend to compete in formal sport or not. But wouldn't you know it, with this new approach and removal of the ranking system for qualification - the # of students interested in our formal sport team has never been higher! After the conclusion of our school event, we had over 110 students (more than 50% of our MS population) who chose to compete in the divisional meet, the largest runner population of any school (despite being half their size). This past week, that group went on to compete in the Zone championship and won it (as high as it gets for us in Middle school).
While there is still data to collect and sort through - prioritizing meaningfulness and shifting away from feeding formal sport in our PE classes, has neither jeopardized performance or formal sport in anyway, while also importantly better serving all our students. Sometimes, you can have your cake and eat it too (I think). After a lengthy process, our school is moving forward with a new timetable structure for the following year. The timetable impacts our PE programming in a number of way, summarized in the table below, for reference. The adjustment from a full year to a semester program, alongside an overall increase in teaching minutes for each course has provided a number of new challenges, but also an opportunity to re-design the curriculum to best need the needs of our students. Step 1 - Key Considerations To this end, I leaned on the appropriately named article Selecting Content to Teach in High School Physical Education (Gillispie et al, 2023). The authors outline 4 key considerations to consider when selecting course content.
If we want to design a PE program that engages students and inspires them to be active in their local communities, an analysis of both of those considerations would be a worthy endeavour. We designed a survey based on the re-classification of activities recently put forth by O’Connor, Alfrey & Penney (2022) on re-thinking the classification of games and sports.
Within each category we compiled a list of all the activities available in the community that would fall within each category, as well as ones that were prevalent in our geographical context (consideration 1 & 2). We decided to include activities that we have no idea whether it was feasible for us to offer - rather than not including it, we figured if students showed interest in it, it might be worthwhile to figure out if logistically we could make it work. We administered the survey to students based on their grade for the upcoming school year (e.g. we surveyed Grade 9 students, who will be next years Grade 10s). Within each category students selected the top # from that category they were interested in. Students also indicated which category they generally would look forward to the most. As you can see from the table above. Our boys and girls were generally interested in the same categories of activities, albeit in different proportions. However, what was really interesting was the activities within each category that each gender wished to participate in. A curriculum with content designed for our boys would include flag football, kayaking, combatives, baseball, golf and training for sport performance. Where as a curriculum with content based on our girls interests would include; basketball, paddle-boarding, volleyball, trail-walking, skateboarding and yoga. Step 2 - Further Categorization Like most schools, we don’t have the luxury of programming everything we want when we want. There is a consideration of budget, facilities, teacher allocation and so on. To take this all into consideration, I put each activity onto a 3 x 3 magnetic card.
Step 3 - Mapping it Out Finally, it came time to actually hash it out in terms of which activities would fit where. On the whiteboard, we first ranked the activities based on students' interest (shown right). Generally speaking, we wanted to ensure that in each grade level there were (i) different coloured cards thus representing a variety of activity categories (ii) that the highest ranked activities were included. There were some exceptions as even though ‘dodgeball variations’ was the most popular target activity, we weren’t really willing to build a unit around that, but would incorporate it into some fun ‘options’ days. With two classes stacked in each period (i.e. two grade 10 classes at the same time) we wanted to leverage our ability to offer students choice, but during other units, keep students together (for social reasons) or rotate classes between two activities. The below image shows the messy version as we pieced together on the whiteboard. Summary: The Content of PE & Meaningfulness While we are not quite at a finished product (some fine tuning for the exact # of lessons is still required), we do feel that we've tried our best to honor designing a program that represents students interests amidst a changing contextual landscape. In my ideal world, the units would focus less on activity and more on categories or concepts that would allow multiple forms of exploration within each concept or activity category, however, the bandwidth for what would be another significant change in an already chaotic end of the school year just wasn't there. It is important to note that while the categories proposed in O'Connor et al's article, which informed how we designed our survey, will certainly allow students to participate in content (activities) that may become meaningful to them - that is only one piece of the puzzle. For example, a student may be interested in soccer, but if during our soccer unit all we teach are tactics and skills that be used to gain a competitive advantage in soccer: then how will a student who simply wants to engage in an informal game of soccer for social reasons find it to be meaningful? In the article, the authors propose a number of example questions/outcomes that extend beyond tactics needed for winning or losing. For example, what could we do to make the competition more equal or more enjoyable? In what ways can I support the team? While the content of PE can certainly set the stage for meaningful experiences, there is still a need to align the content (the what) with the pedagogy (the how). References: Justen O’Connor, Laura Alfrey & Dawn Penney (2022): Rethinking the classification of games and sports in physical education: a respect to changes in sport and participation, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2022.2061938 Olivia J. Gillispie, Emi Tsuda, James D. Wyant & Eloise M. Elliott (2023) Selecting Content to Teach in High School Physical Education, Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 94:3, 11-16, DOI: 10.1080/07303084.2022.2156939 Facilitating meaningful experiences for students is not without challenge. While it is perhaps simple enough to understand that the features of meaningful physical education; challenge, social interaction, enjoyment, personal relevance and social interaction are influential in the way students experience PE and thus, deserving of prioritisation, it is the different ways in which students interact with those features wherein lies the challenge. Some students will prefer social settings with their friends, while others may prefer new social situations to work with new people. A challenge that is optimal some students may be too easy or too hard for others. What one student mind find interesting and fun, others find boring and irrelevant. Accounting for the diversity of student preference and experience, while rewarding, can be difficult in terms of pedagogy. Fortunately, Ní Chróinín, Fletcher and O'Sullivan (2021), outlined two key pedagogical principles that support the prioritiziation of meaningful experiences; democratic and reflective practice. Democratic practice generally refers to students having a sense of autonomy in their learning whereas reflective practice a tool for students to make sense of their experience and inform future directions. While the purpose of this blog is to explore primarily democratic structures, it is important to note that these two principles do not exist in isolation. Rather, they exist in lockstep with one another in a form of democratic and reflective 'coupling', where democratic practice allows students to direct their experience reflective practice allows students to evaluate their experience. Implementing democratic principles doesn't necessarily alleviate the challenge of teaching for meaning in PE. Differentiating instruction and activities becomes increasingly difficult as interests broaden, goals narrow, and perhaps class size increase. However, when I speak with teachers about democratic practice, a common assumption emerges; that the choice of activity is the only / most impactful way to offer choice. While that may be a great way to build democratic practice into a PE program, it is not necessarily logistically feasible in many school contexts. Fortunately, that is not the only form of choice that we may offer students. The purpose of this blog is to try and categorize / visualize different ways that students might be offered choice in PE. Many of the diagrams below will start with the concept or learning outcome as the first step in instructional design. This is a product of my own teaching context in the International Baccalaureate curriculum which is concept / inquiry-based. While not all curriculums are structured in this way, a conceptual approach to learning does align itself with effective implementation of democratic practice (in my opinion, at least). For example, Nathan Horne's (@PEnathan) inquiry based unit titled 'What Moves You?' , which focuses on a connection to physical activity (as Nathan describes here) opens the door to a number of exploratory and democratic possibilities. If you're interested in learning more about concept-based teaching as it relates to meaningful PE, Lee Sullivan's book Is Physical Education in Crisis? is a great place to start. Note on Assessment - Assessment plays an important role in a child's education. For the purpose of this blog, assessment is shown primarily in the structures below as Assessment Of Learning or summative assessment occurring at the end of a period of learning. The exclusion of formative, assessment FOR or AS learning is not meant to diminish their importance, as both play a key role in determining the types of choices that may matter most to students. The exclusion of the role of formative assessment in the diagrams is only meant to avoid muddling the diagrams and focus more explicitly on the types of choices that we may offer students. DEMOCRATIC CONTENTStudents have agency in choosing what they wish to learn or experience. In some contexts, this can be viewed as a choice of module or activity, where the learning outcomes are specific to the choice. Democratic practice occurs early in the learning process, often before an exploration. Example: Intentionally timetabling two classes of the same grade level (or similar) together to allow students to choose from two different activities offered by two different teachers. DEMOCRATIC MEDIUMSStudents have agency in choosing the medium (or activity) through which they will explore the given concept of learning outcome. After an initial sampling of a variety of activities that connect to the concept of learning outcome, students might choose which one they would like to go deeper into. The chosen activity will be the activity through which they will demonstrate their understanding of the concept or achievement of a learning outcome.
DEMOCRATIC PROCESSFor very valid reasons, teachers often select an activity through/in which learning will be demonstrated. A democratic approach to process gives learners agency in designing elements of the process / progression within the given medium/activity. The sub-categories listed below are influenced by the paper by Stefanou et al (2004) although specific mention of how they may manifest in a PE setting were not discussed.
Examples: Applying the MPE Framework to the Grade 5 Spartathlon In this unit, students participate in an adventure triathlon in which they choose the distances they wish to run and whether or not they wish to do so SOLO or with a partner. Learning to Love Running - In this LAMPE Pedagogical Case Study, the teacher allows students to make choices between different forms of running (obstacle, short & fast, long & slow etc.). For more case studies visit the LAMPE website here. Meaningful Experiences on a Bike - In this unit, Andy Vasily (@andyvasily) & co. set the learning outcome as exploring challenge on a bike, through on going reflection / self-assessment students identified goal areas and were empowered to pursue them. What other forms of democratic practice might be utilized?DEMOCRATIC CURRICULUM DESIGN - Every year teachers make decisions about learning is to be included in the scheme of work for that school year. To what extent do students have a voice in that design? To what extent are the activities that are relevant to students prevalent in their PE experience? How do we gather student voice to ensure that they are? DEMOCRATIC DURATION - In most contexts, teaching and learning occur in discrete blocks of time, 8 lessons for this, 5 weeks for that and so on. While the duration of units can be dedicated by a number of factors (e.g. facility schedule, weather, etc.) is there opportunity to structure units in a way with a more flexible start and end time, so students have a voice in when it is they may wish to progress from one unit to the next? DEMOCRATIC LEARNING OUTCOMES - Much of what is written above has been written with the identification of the desired learning outcome or concept as the primary step in instructional design. However, we know that there are a variety of learning outcomes that can be addressed through a single activity. To what extent is it possible in your curriculum for students to determine the learning they wish to demonstrate in the given activity. In this example, the teacher might select football as the chosen activity but provides students choice on whether they wish to focus on developing character, strategic or skill-related outcomes through their participation. DEMOCRATIC PRODUCT - As mentioned in the introduction, the role that assessment plays in the learning process is not fully represented in this blog. A democratic approach to summative assessment would give agency in what they would produce to demonstrate their learning (which may be connected with the above on a democratic approach to learning outcomes). Perhaps in reflective tasks, this could be providing students options over the questions prompts they respond to or allowing a personal response to subject matter. In our departments self-study, we identified that in our movement composition units some students associated performing in front of peers with a negative PE experience (while others, whom likely more confident, found it positive). Is a live class performance, the only product that students can create to demonstrate learning in movement composition? Can multiple forms of choice be offered?In her blog posts (Part 1 & Part 2) Mel Hamada (@mjhamada) & colleagues expertly apply multiple layers of democratic practice in an Individual Pursuits unit. Her department chose to explore the concept of challenge with her students and provided students with a choice of medium (activity) through which challenge could be explored (XC Running, Dance, Gymnastics and Rock Climbing). After students selected their activity, Mel continued to implement democratic practice by orienting her teaching towards student goals with a number of process-related choices. What about 'free choice'?At times, offering free choice, semi or unstructured play opportunities for students it is a great way to engage students in your PE program. At my current school, we would offer free choice days; choosing different equipment and environments to our K-Grade 3 students where the focus was primarily on the inclusion of others in play opportunities. However, assuming students always know what is in their best interests and thus allowing students to only pursue movement opportunities that they already previously enjoy would perhaps result in a fairly limited Physical Education experience (Tinning, 2010, p.45). In addition, when participation becomes too unguided, the environment may become educationally irrelevant as increases in motivation do not necessarily result in increased learning (Patall, Cooper, & Robinson, 2008).
Summary In summary, this has been an attempt to categorize the ways in which we might implement democratic practice in Physical Education. While the visuals make sense for me, I am sure there are other ways to visualize choice and likely my understanding with continue to evolve over time and this post will be a site of continued revision. I feel it is also important to reiterate the importance of the coupling that occurs with reflective practice in this process and that the choices we provide students should be connected to the desired learning outcome and/or conceptual understandings and perhaps not just choice for the sake of choice. What choices do students value the most? To work towards their goals? To choose the activities / mediums they participate in? Is an area of continued interest for myself. References Déirdre Ní Chróinín, Tim Fletcher & Mary O’Sullivan (2018) Pedagogical principles of learning to teach meaningful physical education, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 23:2, 117-133, DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2017.1342789 Patall, E. A., Cooper H., & Civey-Robinson, J. (2008). The Effects of Choice on Intrinsic Motivation and Related Outcomes : A Meta-Analysis of Research Findings. Psychological Bulletin, (2), 270. Stefanou, C. R., Perencevich, K. C., DiCintio, M., & Turner, J. C. (2004). Supporting Autonomy in the Classroom: Ways Teachers Encourage Decision Making and Ownership. Educational Psychologist, 39(2), 97–110. Tinning, R. (2010). Pedagogy and Human Movement: Theory, Practice, Research. New York, NY: Routledge. In their book Switch: How to Change when Change is Hard, Chip and Dan Heath open the book with the metaphor of the elephant and the rider to explain how individuals are motivated to action. The Rider represents our rational and logical thinking brain, whereas the Elephant represents our emotional side. As you can imagine, oftentimes it doesn’t matter how much the rationale rider attempts to exert control over a situation, ultimately the emotional elephant is the one who is in control. This would explain why despite knowing something is beneficial for us, we lack the motivation to begin. Chip and Dan argue that when companies seek to implement change, they often only attempt to engage the Rider; they present the research, statistics, clear visuals, etc. but fall short due to the lack of emotional investment by those whom they wish to create change with. I was given this book at the end of the 21-22 school year as I prepared to begin as the Learning Leader (HoD) of a new department with new colleagues in the Middle / Senior school. As luck would have it, the gift was about 1 month too late, as I had already failed to introduce the meaningful physical education (MPE) framework to my new team by only accounting for the rationale rider. The purpose of this blog is to share the process of change we’ve undergone as a department since then, as we seek to find common ground between our schools' renewed strategic plan and our individual philosophies in an effort to create more meaningful PE experiences for our students. Contextual Background: At the end of the 21-22 school year, our school released its strategic framework, with the dedicated purpose of creating students who flourish. Many other components of the strategic framework align themself quite closely with student-centeredness, joy and meaning-making. Step 1 - Establishing a Vision Statement What does it mean for students to flourish in Physical Education? If this was to be the centre of our schools educational philosophy, then we should have an agreed upon definition of what that means in a PE setting. I selected two readings:
I took all those ideas and attempted to craft them into 3 different vision statements, each attempting to encapsulate the ideas we had in relation to flourishing. At a later meeting, the three options were distributed for feedback from each member of the department who suggested edits / omissions / additions etc. Eventually we landed on some agreed upon components and sought to provide clarification to exactly what certain terms were meant to encapsulate. Step 2 - Establishing a Mission Statement After establishing our vision statement for student flourishing in PE, the mission statement was somewhat self-evident: create the conditions for the vision to be realised by each student (create the conditions for students to flourish in PE). What those conditions are would require some further unpacking. As a group we used a liberating structure called an “Appreciate Interview”, in which each member described a story of a time they were at least fairly certain a student had been successful in achieving our vision for student flourishing. The second part of the thinking routine was to reflect on the conditions that allowed that story to occur (what were the conditions that allowed that student to flourish?) In our discussion, a number of conditions were identified; challenge, connection to community, belonging, new/novel opportunities, peer support, teacher relationship, growth etc. many of which coincide with the features of Meaningful Physical Education as outlined by Fletcher, Beni and Ni Chroinin (2017). Step 3 - Data Collection: Who is Flourishing? While we have developed some agreement on what it means to flourish in PE and began to unearth the conditions necessary for that to occur, there was an important voice missing. To what extent do the students themselves feel they are flourishing in their current physical education environment? What conditions do they see as necessary for positive experiences in PE? The first task was to develop a survey that we thought would accurately represent our vision statement. I used a battery of questions originally developed alongside Alex Beckey, Steph Beni and Declan Hamblin as a starting point. These questions were placed into a Google Form, where department members were able to indicate which questions they thought were relevant to the vision statement, which were irrelevant, suggest new questions etc. After that review, our final questionnaire was built for a last round of feedback, before being converted into a Google Form. The form was completed in class by students from Grade 3 to 12, students were encouraged to only consider their experience this first semester. Step 4 - Data Analysis: What, So What? The data from the survey was collected from 488 students compiled into a near 60 page document, which included different ways of visually representing data, some of which are indicated below. It also included the written responses to the descriptions of positive and negative experiences in PE from the semester. On a PD day, we met as a department and analysed the data using another liberating structure; ‘What, So What, Now What’ or W3. This thinking routine encourages an initial objective analysis of simply what does the data say or suggest? Followed by a determination of why it is important and finally a decision on what action should be taken. At this initial meeting, each individual was assigned 1-2 grade levels that they taught and we focused on primarily the first two questions (or Ws), what and so, what? The guiding questions we used are found below. In addition, to identify the conditions that impact meaningful experiences (or flourishing), we conducted a thematic analysis, where we analyzed students written responses to "describe a positive experience you've had in PE" and "describe a negative experience...", based on the reason WHY it was negative, and not the activity itself, example:
In the above statements, we are not concerned with the activity (bowling / gymnastics), but the condition they identified as being responsible for that experience (positive or negative), in these examples the 3 conditions identified were: fun, social interaction, relevance. What?
So What?
Conclusion The irony of this process, is that it lead us in someways to uncover the exact same things that were already evident in the research by Beni et al (2017) as well as in our appreciate inquiry. Students associate social interaction, challenge, relevance, fun and competence with positive experiences in PHE. So why was taking the time to go through the data more effective than simply reading the research? In many ways, data is emotional - we are passionate about our subject and believe in the value of PE. When confronted with data that suggests despite all your best intentions, students have had a negative experience; that can be hard to digest but also is hard to ignore. On the other hand, reading data that highlights the positive impact you've had on students can be very fulfilling. This data, as it represented our students experiences, was very moving for us a group and could have resulted in hours upon hours of discussion. It is this engagement of the Elephant that has enabled us arrive on common ground and will serve as motivation for future action (now what). References Beni, S., Fletcher, T., Ní Chróinín, D. (2017). Meaningful experiences in physical education and youth sport: A review of the literature. Quest, 69(3), 291-312. For many students, the Spartathlon (a triathlon) is the highlight of their Grade 5 year (10-11 year olds). In this years rendition, students had the opportunity to kayak, bike and run around our school campus. When it comes to traditionally competitive events such as this, I believe there are often conflicting narratives between what teacher's tell students is important, and what we show them is important through our actions (or at least there has been such a conflict in my practice). One on one hand, a teacher may emphasize the importance of the process. Teachers may tell students that the event is an opportunity to challenge themselves and may insist they set goals of a finish time they would like to achieve. They may encourage students on the importance of doing their personal best and not comparing themselves to others. Through these discussions, teacher's aim to help students understand the value of being persistent towards their goals, celebrate the process and define success for themselves. However, when it comes time to conclude the event, what we often see celebrated is not the process, and not individual success (despite advocating for its importance in the lessons leading up to the event). Instead, what we often see celebrated is elite performance, where results from first to last are posted and students who finish in the top 3 of their gender are awarded medals, while those who may have put forth just as much effort (or even more) to achieve their goals, receive limited recognition. For the 10th annual Spartathlon, we wanted to (or were at least willing to) experiment with a way to negotiate these seemingly conflicting narratives and ensure that what we value about Physical Education is evidenced in both ours words and actions. Below I will attempt to articulate how we aimed to apply the Meaningful Physical Education framework to this end. OVERVIEW THE EVENT
PROVOCATION: The provocation for the event was the story of Team Hoyt, a father-son duo who have completed a number of Ironman Triathlons together. Rick (the son), was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at birth and unable to walk on his own, but that didn't stop them. After watching this video as a class we had a number of discussions related to personal definitions of success, approaches to challenges, motivations that are bigger than winning or losing, the limits (or lack there of) of human determination etc. Credit to Andy Vasily for this one way back in 2014 APPEC in Hong Kong. LESSON STRUCTURE: Our unit leading up to the event lasted about 5 weeks (18 lessons) with the lessons divided into 3 broad categories.
DEMOCRATIC PRACTICE In recognizing that our students have a wide range of abilities and experiences we wanted to be able to provide students with the opportunity to create an experience that was going to be meaningful to them. After students had practiced each of the disciplines about ½ way through the unit, we provided students with two primary choices listed below. I believe these represent the choices that individuals often make (formally or informally) when signing up for any sort of race event outside of school. Distance Choice (Challenge) - Students had the option to complete a ‘single’ (400m Kayak, 1km Run, 2km Bike) or a ‘double’ where students would complete two laps / double the distance of each discipline. We were clear with students that there would be no special recognition for completing a double, and encouraged them to think about which format would be a just-right challenge for them. Partnership Choice (Social Interaction) - Students had the option of completing either the double or single event with a partner. As a partnership they were required to start each discipline together and cross the finish line together. We had a great discussion on how having a partner may influence participation in the event. Some students gravitated towards a partnership and recognized the positive influence having a partner can have on motivation. There were a couple pairings who weren’t necessarily friends before the event, that chose to work together for that reason. However, there were also students who preferred not to have the responsibility of encouraging someone else, and preferred to work towards their goals on their own. PERSONAL RELEVANCE (GOAL ORIENTATION) After students had made choices, they set individual goals (or a goal with their partner). We didn’t insist that they needed to be time-based but rather asked students simply what success would look like for them. Some students' goals were related to a single discipline, such as 'kayaking with confidence', while other students wanted to focus on maintaining a consistent pace by not stopping. Some wanted to spend as little time as possible in the transitions, while others did set a time frame (e.g. between 40-60 minutes) of when they would like to finish the event. As a connection to the Team Hoyt provocation, some students dedicated their run to family members. Students had the last couple of weeks leading up to the event to train in the discipline they chose. As teachers we supported students with technical feedback (e.g. gear shifting on hills) and for many, how to pace themselves on the run. On the day of the event, students wore a race bib that had their goal displayed on the bottom. At the concluding ceremony, the students name and their goal were announced to the parents and other students in attendance before they were presented with a medal and then took a picture on the finishers podium. STUDENT REFLECTION A few days following the event, students were asked to reflect on their experience. We asked them what emotions they associated with the event, and how they felt about their performance. The large majority of students had a positive association with the experience, words such as ‘pride’ and ‘good’ were often used to describe performance. Some students felt that they didn’t do as good as they could have, but nonetheless had fun along the way. Others expressed they felt very tired but were satisfied that they did their best. When asked how we might improve the Spartathlon next year, only one student asked for the event to return to its competitive ranking format. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE RESULTS… While the priority of both our words and actions was celebrating achievement of individual goals. We acknowledge that some students may be motivated by the rank and order of competition and for them, the emotions of winning and losing may contribute to a meaningful experience. With that in mind, after sharing their feelings of pride and exhaustion, we discussed with them how (if at all) the results of the event would change that? Students then received their certificate which included their times in each discipline (not a ranking), and we informed students of the fastest individual in each discipline. While I don't wish to suggest that the simple gesture of announcing fastest times equates to a meaningful experience for our most competitive students, but it was our way of honoring those students without doing harm to the experience of others. PERSONAL REFLECTION When we decided to move forward with this plan there were certainly skeptics (ourselves included) and a couple parents (of the more talented students) questioned why there were not going to be placings announced, and maybe an eye roll over another ‘everyone gets medal’ event. However, this was out-weighed by the number of parents and students who appreciated the positive impact the new format had. What I observed as students crossed the finish line were exhausted smiles. If you asked me to pinpoint a moment this year where students expressed joy - I would say for many this was it. While there was certainly a nervous energy for some, there was no observable performance anxiety or fear of becoming last. I witnessed students who I hadn’t expected to, really push and challenge themselves. I witnessed students form new friendships through unlikely partnerships, and genuinely support and cheer for one another. No social comparison of “I was faster than you” or “I did a double and you only did a single” was overheard, and for these reasons alone - it was a worthwhile experiment. GRATITUDE I am fortunate to be the 'blogger' of our ES PE team and am incredibly privileged to work with two outstanding educators; Laura Boudens and Michelle Bartoshyk who have been vulnerable, thoughtful and willing to take risks as we attempt to move towards a more meaningful ES PE program. Without them, none of these events would be possible. In addition, school alumni Kiyan Sunderji (shown below), who has completed a number of triathlons and an Ironman came to visit the G5 classes and talk to students about tips and tricks for transitions, positive self-talk during times of self-doubt and nutrition strategies. A student asked Kiyan about his ranking in his events, to which Kiyan responded "I have no idea", describing how it was about doing his personal best which helped drive home the focus of the unit/event. |
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